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Greenly Flush Toilet Tank Bank

Toilet Tank Bank to save water in every flush | save a flush bag | toilet tank water saver


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The Toilet Tank Bank is the easiest device to use to save water. Simply fill to top, snap to close and hang in toilet tank.

Toilet tank Bank benefits customers by saving up to 1.5 liters per flush with no loss in performance. Fill this plastic bag with water and hang it in the toilet reservoir/tank. It will displace an amount of water equivalent to 5 liters, which means every flush will use less water.


Easy-to-fill, air lock and fill valve.

  • The Tank Bank is the easiest device to use to save water. Just fill to the top, snap to close and hang in the toilet tank.
  • Constructed of non-corrosive materials that resist microbes and fungal growth.
  • Anti-evaporation snap/airlock means the bag never needs refilling and prevents odors.
  • Long life.


tags: Toilet tank bank manufacturer in India to save flush toilet water | toilet tank water saver | toilet tank bank benefits | save a flush bag


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