
Energy efficient buildings

What is energy efficiency?
Energy efficiency is the process of using less energy to arrive at the same level of the desired output. This is one of the easiest ways to eliminate unwanted energy and lower the costs. Energy efficiency helps in reducing electricity bills and environmental pollution. It controls climate change and improves the societal standard of living. Using sustainable sources of energy with renewable energy are know as the twin pillars of energy efficiency.

Domestic energy efficient buildings:
In households, energy efficiency can be attained by making small changes in the existing appliances and increase the output levels with the same input of energy.

  1. Households overall: Shifting to energy conscious methods of using certain appliances can save more than 20% of the amount spent of electrical bills per cycle.
  2. Light bulbs: shifting to LED Light bulbs from the traditional light bulbs has shown to increase output by 70% with the same input.
  3. Windows: Energy efficient windows are designed in such a way that the materials used for production reduce the heat exchange and air leakage. Hence lesser energy will be required to externally heat or cool the space. Energy efficiency can be increased with a reduction of heating and cooling system usage.
  4. Computer battery saving: Electronic devices such as computers, laptops and tablets can be automatically put into sleep mode when not in use. This will reduce the pressure on the battery saving charge in devices which will ultimately reduce the charge cycles and save electricity.
  5. Insulation systems: Adding insulation to the attics in households ensures that warm air is trapped inside the house during winters and can not escape easily. In summers a good insulation system will keep the hot air outside. This will reduce the pressure on heating and cooling systems and energy can be preserved.

Benefits of energy efficient buildings:
• Helps in saving money
• Helps to address energy equity
• Reduction of energy consumption
• Creates a positive environment
• Improves standard of living
• Reduction in pollution levels
• Reduces burden of non-sustainable sources of electricity
• Reduces risk of climate change

Building designs and features:
Buildings play an important role in improving energy efficiency. Installing various sustainable solutions can lead to an improvement in energy usage and also increase the value of the building.

  1. Solar energy: Using solar energy instead of the conventional and traditional modes of electricity can prove to be an extremely effective solution. Solar energy has various advantages and required very little maintenance after the solar panels are installed. It can reduce the electric bill drastically and is known as a year-round solution for the domestic and commercial electricity crisis.
  2. Rain water harvesting: Harvesting rain water has been made mandatory in various states of India and can reduce the water bill. It is a win-win solution that not only prevents area flooding during rains but also acts as a sustainable solution in the watery scarcity crisis. Proper rain water harvesting can alleviate the pressure on fresh water sources and create a holistic environment with a positive impact on the standard of living in that particular area.
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